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The Hickory Junior Woman’s Club's goal is to collect and raise money to contribute monetary donations to meet the needs of our community, fund many of our community outreach programs, and fund scholarships. 


Monies raised each club year determine the amount of money that the Club has to fund the following year’s budget. These funds are used to finance the Club’s operating budget, as well as to contribute to organized charity and community impact oriented organizations. Funds are raised through events planned and put into action by our entire club. Each year we participate in several fundraising opportunities. We hold our annual Geranium Flower Sale, work the Charity Case races, and work the concession stand at the Crawdads Stadium. 



Interested in being a sponsor of the Hickory Junior Woman’s Club? Contact us! We would love to have your support to help us continue the many community projects and scholarships. The Hickory Junior Woman’s Club is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. All donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

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